About Us

Partnering with you to achieve success through outsourcing.

Driving excellence in Ethiopian’s outsourcing industry

About EOA

The EOA is a non-profit civil association that seeks to provide global outsourcing services by representing the country’s leading service providers in offshore outsourcing.

The presence of the Ethiopian Outsourcing Association contributes to the creation of a conducive environment in which interaction between the public and private sectors can aid in the advancement of the BPO industry through collaborative policy formulation and revision, with the ultimate goal of creating jobs for local talent and promoting offshore service provisions.

Push Beyond Boarders

Our Mission

Creating a conducive environment to foster the growth of ICT-led economic transformation within the country’s outsourcing sector.

Our Vision

Become “Ethiopia”s leading global outsourcing destination.

Join us

Join our esteemed partners

We value the partnership of our partners.

As of today, the outsourcing industry has shown significant expansion. Companies situated in Europe, Asia, and the Americas have looked to the services of EtEthiopiaervice provides. As a member of this association, you will contribute to the industry’s growth and support it by increasing Ethiopia’s competitive edge in its region and beyond.

Now, with the country’s agenda of digitization and digital economy transformation, the outsourcing sector within this highly expanding industry has taken the responsibility of shaping the economy by pushing past borders. This rapid transformation is only fuelled by though joined hands of industry players, development partners, relevant government agencies, change-maker individuals, and value chain enterprises. We Highly value the support of our partners in driving excellence in the outsourcing sector.

Digital Revolution Through Alliance And Partnership