Ethiopian Outsourcing Association

EOA:  An association of offshore outsourcing providers in Ethiopia.

About Us

Push Beyond Borders

The Ethiopian outsourcing association represents offshore outsourcing services and service providers in the country. It stands to drive change in policy frameworks and talent gaps while promoting Ethiopia as an outsourcing destination to the rest of the world. It represents Ethiopian immense value proposition and its potential to support the global economic ecosystem.

The potential of Ethiopia as a center for global outsourcing center is supported by the country’s strategic location, its public sector’s drive, and innovative talents and enterprises. If you’re looking for a reliable and trustworthy outsourcing partner, look no further than Ethiopia’s outsourcing service providers and brilliant young talents.

What we do

Knowldge hub

Branding & Promotion

Advocacy works

Promoting public-Private Partnerships

Policy support

Talent & Skill Developement

Outsource to Ethiopia

Center of civilization For Over 3000+ Years

Naturally positioned at a prime location within continental Africa, Ethiopia has quickly become an attractive destination for outsourcing services. Ethiopia’s history of being a primary actor within international trade and civilization continues feeding its growing interest in becoming the next sought destination in the region. Furthermore, it is where the time zones of most outsourcers converge, ensuring that, Ethiopian talents can provide qualified services with the least compromise in working hours.

The fact that it’s the second most populous country in Africa with the youth marking more than seventy percent of its population signifies the substantial value of untapped talent. This is also reflected in the large availability of trainable talent, with over 200,000 students graduating each year from STEM disciplines and associated fields. This is further fueled by the rapid privatization of previously state-owned enterprises like the telecommunications sector as internet penetration continues increasing within the local economy.

There is no denying it- this is the dawn of a new era of transformation to the digital economy as a portfolio of policies and strategies have been adopted to boost the personality of the country in the global outsourcing arena.

Trusted Partner To The World

Why Outsource To Ethiopia

Favorable conditions for outsourcing in Ethiopia

Availability of abundant talent

The war wages on for finding suitable candidates, teams, and professionals to handle offshored services. The best way you can ensure your needs are met is when you have the diversified talent you can pick from. Ethiopia, with more than 200,000+ graduates in STEM fields, can be a fitting destination in this regard.

Very low attrition rate.

A constant headache for most companies is a high percentage of employees leaving without replacement. The high attrition rate that seems to plague the global BPO industry is met by a multitude of Ethiopian talents, driven to learn and grow in specific industries.

Reliable internet services

Fast and reliable internet services can be placed to ensure service providers stay connected with the rest of the world, allowing services to be provided on the go. Multiple players in the internet service provision sector and end-to-end fiber cable transmission guarantees outsourcers with reliable and fast internet.

Strategic Location

Ethiopia is positioned in such a way that its time zone converges with the Arabian peninsula and Europe. This allows your team to be online and alert at the time you wish to interact.

Public-Private Partnerships

In our movement to drive growth in the outsourcing industry, fostering a relationship between the public sector and the private is a key priority to advance globally. The public sectors of Ethiopia are an integral part of this movement and the Ethiopian Outsourcing Association will be an active role player in the formulation and legislation of policies to pin Ethiopia on the map as the next global BPO services provider within its respective region.

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